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Chewing Insects
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Or Scarab Beetle, common name for any insect of the order Coleoptera (Gr. koleos, "sheath"; pteron, "wing"), sometimes incorrectly applied to insects of other orders. The most prominent characteristic of the beetle is the elytra, the hardened, sheathlike front wings, which in most beetles cover the entire abdomen when the insect is not in flight. In some beetles, such as the rove beetles, the elytra are short, covering only a portion of the abdomen; some beetles are wingless. Beetles vary greatly in size, in the adult from more than 15 cm (more than 6 in) to less than 0.005 cm (less than 0.602 in). Although they also vary greatly in form, their basic anatomical structures are similar. Beetles undergo complete metamorphosis. The larvae are cylindrical grubs, with three pairs of legs on the thorax; the pupae are usually encased in a thin, light-colored skin with the legs free; the
adults have biting mouth parts, in some cases enormously developed.
Larvae Of Scarab or Cockchafer
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 Note: the Scarab Beetle can do much damage to the roots of Hibiscus especially if the find their way into potted Hibiscus.

The beetle order embraces more species than any other group in the animal kingdom. At least 250,000 species are known, more than one-quarter of all animal species. About 160 families exist; although some contain only 1 or 2 species, others, such as the weevil (q.v.) , contain 30,000 species, far more, for example, than all mammal species. The classification of this enormous number of forms is extremely difficult. The order is generally divided into four suborders, namely, Archostemata, Adephaga, Myxophaga, and Polyphaga; these are, in turn, subdivided into series and super families. The families are further divided into subfamilies, and these are subdivided into tribes and genera. Some coleopterists find still other groupings necessary to indicate the many relationships and differences among beetles.
Beetles vary widely in their habits and are found under the most diverse conditions. A few live in salt water, more in fresh water, and a small number breed in hot springs.
Some beetles live under the bark of living and dead trees.
Numerous beetles feed on the roots, wood, leaves, flowers, and fruit of living plants, causing great economic damage. Some beetles, such as the ladybird beetle, prey on pest insects and thus are important in biological control.
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Others are scavengers, living on dung or dead animals. Some are parasitic and live in the nests of ants, bees, or termites, existing on food brought into the nest by the hosts or on the hosts themselves. Virtually every product of the animal or vegetable kingdom supplies some beetle, including the bookworm with food.



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Common name for many species of insect in the order Orthoptera, which also includes grasshoppers and katydids. The species often called true crickets, such as the field cricket Gryllus assimilis of the Americas, make up the subfamily Gryllinae of the family Gryllidae. Some are cave or house dwellers. These insects have long antennae and hind legs adapted for jumping; their hearing organs are located on the front legs. Cricket species are characterized by the chirping call of the male, produced by rubbing a grooved ridge on the underside of one of the front wings against the sharp edge of the other front wing. The solitary animals remain by day in crevices or shallow burrows dug in the soil, emerging at night to feed on vegetation and on aphids, and other insects. During breeding season the male attracts a female with its call, sometimes driving off other males that intrude on its territory. The female uses its long, spear like ovipositor to insert eggs into the soil or plant stems. The young, called nymphs, resemble the adults and reach full size after 6 to 12 molts; as adults, they live 6 to 8 weeks.
Many other orthopterans are called crickets, such as the burrowing mole crickets, which have strong front claws for digging and hind legs that are not adapted for jumping. Some are only distantly related to true crickets.

Common Cricket
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Common name applied to a number of jumping insects and especially to the true locusts, which are migratory grasshoppers  of the family Acrididae. The true locusts cause great damage to crops wherever they swarm. Control measures include the spreading of poison bait and the plowing under of locust eggs. Infestations threatening large regions of the U.S. are combated with insecticides sprayed by planes and truck-mounted mist blowers provided by joint federal-state programs.
Aside from the true locusts, the periodical cicada  is another important insect to which the name locust is applied. Grouse, or pygmy, locusts are small, jumping insects of the family Tridactylidae, order Orthoptera. They are of little economic importance. Most species are dark brown and are less than 2.5 cm (less than 1 in) in length; a common species is Acrydium ornatum.
Different Species Of Grasshoppers Feasting on Hibiscus Leaves
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Wingless Grasshopper
on Hibiscus
Staminal Column
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Green Grasshopper
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Grasshopper Damage on Hibiscus Leaves
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